Begin Your Love Based Birth Preparation today.

With immediate access upon registration, begin your path to a holistic and loving birth preparation experience.

"Doing this course with Red allowed me to have somewhere and someone to ask all my questions to that just don’t get answered or talked about with an ObGYN..."

Program Price : SGD $595

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Gain Clarity

WHY birth matters for mum, partner, baby and the whole family


Build Your Ideal Birth Plan

Defining your desires for plan A, B, C



Tools for Working with pain, How your mind affects your body, about microbiome, immune system.


Create a Like-Minded Community

Join a network of epic women on a similar journey, offering mutual support and understanding.

Program Price : SGD $595

CONTACT DETAILS Where To Send Resources?
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Billing Address

Reclaim Your Intuitive Power

Tap into your innate wisdom for a more empowered pregnancy experience.


Address Your Fears

Transform anxiety into strength and confidence.


Establish Self-Tending Practices

Integrate mindful and rejuvenating routines into your daily life.


Create a Like-Minded Community

Join a network of epic women on a similar journey, offering mutual support and understanding.

  • 2 x 3Hour Live Interactive Teaching Sessions

  • Lifetime Access to The 5 Week Original Online Love Based Birth Preparation Program

  • Green Baby Care & Breastfeeding Module

  • The Book : From Fear to Love: Your Guide to a Fearless, Magical Birth

  • Workbook & Templates

  • Love Based Birth Hive Community

  • Continued WhatsApp Support

"Doing this course with Red allowed me to have somewhere and someone to ask all my questions to that just don’t get answered or talked about with an ObGYN..."

"This is a perfect challenge to reconnect with the essence of life, by acting with love and mindfulness. I loved those weekly appointment and the fact that it is recorded as well in case we are running out of time."

~ Valeria, Singapore

"An empowering, motivating and insightful course for women wanting to optimise their pregnancy, overall health and wellbeing, plus connect with other like minded women."

~ Jessie Mills, Midwife, Australia

The Founder Of Love Based Birth

My name is Red Miller, I’m a Mother, Holistic Midwife, Author and founder of Love Based Birth

I help women take charge of their births.

My quest is to guide women back to their inner knowing so they can have an awesome birth!

I hear far too often from mothers…

 “I wish I would have known I was allowed to say no.” 

“I wish I would have met you before I had my babies.” 
“I didn’t know I had other options.”
“Nobody told me about the risks.”

This is often a result of these 3 common mistakes expecting parents make…

If avoiding these common mistakes feels important to you then join me….

Who is Red Miller?

  • Red Miller is a Birth Consultant, Holistic Midwife, Author and Founder of Love Based Birth. She is incredibly passionate about helping couples have awesome births and has helped thousands do exactly that.

  • Red has attended nearly 800 births in more than 10 countries including Nepal, USA and Singapore; and in diverse settings from rice fields to a palace. 

  • ​Red guides couples through a unique step-by-step process to help them physically, mentally and emotionally prepare for birth. They learn how to manage and significantly reduce the pain of labor, transform their fears into positive action and navigate the health system they are working in.

  • ​Red’s quest is to guide women to tap into their inner wisdom and beliefs once women start demanding their right to birth their babies in love and respect; the greatest positive shift will occur in every corner of the planet.

  • ​Red’s first book “From Fear to Love: Your Guide to a Fearless Magical Birth” is available on Amazon.

  • ​She is also the creator of the Love Based Birth Tribe, an online App to connect parents and wellness professionals globally. It is created for the millions of women around the world who are seeking deeper connection, joy, love and magic while becoming mothers.

Studies Show It Really Does Take A Village To Raise a Child.

Study Summary:

Mothers without strong support from a community had higher levels of stress, and mothers with higher levels of stress were more worn down and pessimistic about parenting.
They also found the opposite true: mothers with strong support from their communities had lower levels of stress and were optimistic about parenting.

If You Are Pregnant or Have Children or Both and Would Like a Connected, Supportive Community, then read on...

You are invited to join our community (or as I like to call it, a tribe) of: 

  • ​Expecting mothers.

  • ​New mothers.

  • ​Planning to conceive again mothers.

  • ​Passionate birth workers and wellness professionals. 

Wouldn’t it be cool to have online and offline subgroups (villages) based on your preferrred location, subjects, and interests? 
A community platform that connects you to others who have simlar preferences. 

As a collective we can create our own "villages" that support and bring out the best in all of us. 

YOU Are Invited To Come Find Your Birth Tribe Here

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 Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on research conducted by Love based birth unless otherwise noted. The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. Love based birth encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.